Tech Challenges in 2024

As technology is constantly becoming a more important aspect of doing business, we’ll continue to see an array of new and old challenges pop up in 2024.

While tech is there to reduce pain points and make our jobs more efficient, it can also create new challenges which need to be addressed.

Discussed below are some of the potential challenges based on ongoing trends and concerns regarding tech.

Outdated Legacy Software

Legacy software is a challenge for many organisations. Over time, this type of software becomes increasingly disjointed and inefficient.

It may result in compatibility and scalability issues if the organisation is expected to see significant growth over a short period of time. Similarly, legacy software can be costly for an organisation to continue to support.

It can also provide data migration challenges. Moving legacy system data to newer platforms can be complex and risky. Ensuring a seamless transition without data loss or corruption is a critical consideration and a challenge that’s worth addressing.


With improvements in technology comes a host of new threats in relation to cybersecurity. New forms of cyber-attacks and vulnerabilities may emerge, posing a great challenge for businesses and individuals to secure their digital assets and data.

Improvements in generative artificial intelligence will help improve phishing techniques and increase the prevalence of fraud online. This will lead to more effective and sophisticated methods of gaining access to sensitive information.

The prevalence and permanence of working from home policies also opens up potential challenges for organisations. Providing employees with a secure, robust remote working environment is key to limiting the risk of a data breach or malicious attack.

Artificial Intelligence

While the presence of artificial intelligence brings many opportunities for organisations, it also brings with it a number of challenges. While we’re still at the early stages of AI becoming useful in the workplace, there is a significant level of distrust of its use amongst the workforces. Similarly, security risks are also present with its usage, as it’s heavily reliant on third party organisations.

While just 35% of companies reported actively using artificial intelligence in 2023, another 42% plans for future implementation.

Internal policies regarding artificial intelligence will need to be drawn up regarding its use in the workplace and will need to be regularly adjusted to match its feature evolution.


As environmental concerns are becoming more pronounced, many industries face significant challenges related to creating sustainable work practices.

Many organisations are continuing to focus on ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) strategies to help reduce their carbon emissions, especially when it comes to tech such as server usage and energy used.

Sustainability is also becoming a factor in customer decision making. Shoppers interested in the economic benefits of sustainability are also more likely to be loyal to brands that align with their ethical and sustainable values.

Internal Communication Silos

Much like how customer data can often be disjointed, internal communication can also become siloed, especially with the wide variety of apps and platforms used to communicate with one another.

Internal communication can also be a tech-related issue. As remote work appears to be here to stay, siloed data can become more of an issue. Communicating digitally may lead to some information being lost in translation, leaving some individuals out of the loop regarding workflows.

Appropriate internal communication plans and policies should be drawn up to avoid siloed communication between teams and individuals, especially where a work from home policy is in place.

Are you preparing to alter your tech stack in 2024? If so, contact us today on +353 1 8041298, or click on the link below to our contact form.


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