About Dara Hayden

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So far Dara Hayden has created 110 blog entries.
13 01, 2021

The 2021 Customer Experience


The 2021 Customer Experience 2021 is just getting started and with the changing restrictions in place across Ireland over the next few weeks, organisations need to quickly adapt to changes to continue providing a [...]

The 2021 Customer Experience2021-01-13T13:04:39+01:00
19 11, 2020

Introducing DirectAddress


Introducing DirectAddress DirectAddress is Dataconversion’s newly launched plug-and-play API Eircode & Postcode solution. It easily integrates with data capture forms on your website or CRM using a lightweight plugin, allowing users to quickly capture [...]

Introducing DirectAddress2022-08-31T11:02:58+01:00
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